We knew that Luke would be taking Circle and Nic would likely be using one of the Sevvys so we would be up against some serious movement ability and some hard hitting resilience. We decided to go for Siege and Terminus, Mehmet is very comfortable with his list and i wanted to be able to support his list with a non-faction specific feat. I wanted to try out a battle engine and decided that with all of Mehmet's infantry this would be a good time to give it a bash.
We deployed the bulk of our force in the middle and right of the table with the Bane Thralls, Seether and Hunter on the left. The Strider held with middle, with the Rangers out front to provide the much needed +2 hit for the Strider and Siege. Our plan was to advance with Terminus and 20 Mech Thralls to threaten the flag hard and then provide back up from the Withershadow and Gunmages.
So we all advanced on our first turns and put on buff spells, etc. Then on their second turn it went pretty wrong for us! The area in red was full of Mech Thralls at the end of our turn with no easy lines for the Menites to advance into. Kruger came and ruined that with his feat, pushing all the thralls into tight packs perfect for the AOE 4 flame cannon to blast apart, the remains where being mopped up by the Errants as I took this picture. The Avatar and Warpwolf Stalker leapt at the change to kill Terminus and put the Lichelord down hard. I will say that Mehmet had truly appalling luck with his tough rolls, passing only 1 in 18 kills.....
We then learned why the Lord of the Feast loves battle engines, he shot his bird at the strider and then placed himself behind it to thresher it and 2 of the Withershadow Combine! Sevvy advanced and used his feat to put Siege on no focus for my turn, i still have the Squire and Reinholdt, with the Strider on 3 power tokens. At this point i stopped taking pictures, in equal measures of having had a couple of beers and really wanting to salvage some pride from what looked like a total rout!
I decided that i could kill Sevvy if i was lucky and went for it!
Siege went first, advanced and used his feat followed by a boosted ground pounder on Sevvy doing about half his health. Again Mehmets luck continued with a half armour charge on the Avatar with the Withershadow resulting in 4 damage! The gunmages went next and moved the lord of the fiest out of melee with the Strider, allowing it to advance into range of the Errants and Sevvy, with the help of the ranger i had ran forwards scored a couple of good hits on the unit to clear a space for the defender to shoot through. The defender advanced and boosted to hit with Crit Brutal from the Gun Mages, hit with a crit! 3 Dice +1 needing 11 to kill! The dice came up and Sevvy was left with a cannonball where his head should have been! The next turn was the remaining Menites and Tharn clearing us from around the objectives and winning the game.
It was a really fun night and a refreshing way to play the game. We will get you next time!
It was a cracking game - that second turn went a LOT better than expected and was mostly due to unlucky dice on those tough rolls.
ReplyDeleteUsefull practice for this weekend.