Monday, 26 September 2011

Update on Games

Well its been a while since my first post......

Work and social life been getting in the way, one of my clients i moving to SA and we had a leaving do on a Wednesday that ended with 4 of us in a strip club at 3am!

So had couple of games since the last update;

Siege vs eKreoss

This game was pretty close - I learnt that Bastions are awesome and even under Sieges feat they are hard to kill, the game ended with a bastion killing Siege under Kreoss' feat.

eStryker vs Mortenebra

Having discovered one of sieges weaknesses at 35 pts is he can easily be pushed around in certain scenarios i have gone for eStryker. Played using Murdoch and Boomhowler, JWC, SB & UA, Rowdy, B13 and an Ironclad. Started with a pretty even deployment on my side, Cryx deployed heavily to my right seemingly intent on focussing on the 2 control points on that side. I rushed the center and left points with Boomhowler and the JWC, centre with the 2 jacks and Stryker and moved the SB up to threaten the right point hoping to draw the cryx jack line forward. This worked and the DJ, Slayer and Reaper all advanced on that flank. My next turn i assaulted against the jacks and managed to get one SB into melee with the DJ, mostly ineffective but killed a scrap thrall that exploded killing his Necrotech and one of the Withershadow! The nex turn saw Morty blow her feat and the DJ trampled all the way across the SBs killing 4 and whacking Rowdy's Cortex out! My next turn saw more movement with Boomhowler assaulting a few targets, Stryker, Rowdy failing to kill the DJ. Morty moved fowards, pulled the DJ out of melee (got slagged with FS) the moved the reaper up for an assasination run on Stryker, Rowdy was having none of this as he had come within 6" to gt the shot off! So rowdy charged and blocked LOS to Stryker. The remaining Withershades charge Rowdy and fail to kill him (which if i am honest may hav changed the battle significantly). Next turn Stryker turns up the juice in his armour, velocities over a wall and charges Morty and one shots her!

All in all a good result for eStyker's first game out, Mehmet will watch for that next time, but generaly pleased that i could start to threaten scenario from the off.

Got a few more pieces nearly painted to hope to have a few more pics up by the end of this week.

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